Sunday, April 22, 2007

Guiding a Kayaking Trip in BC – what exactly is involved?

I have always been struck with the use of the word “guide” to describe what we do. It’s limiting, in the sense that it leaves the perception that our role is getting from point A to point B.

The word “facilitator” seems more appropriate. Although not as adventurous, it more accurately defines the spectrum of knowledge and duties that our leaders must possess.

Not only are we focused on skills such as technique, safety, knowledge of weather, currents, tides, navigation, route finding but must be aware of group dynamics, individual goals, be empathetic, patient. Couple all this with being a good chef, offering a natural, cultural, historical database and you get an idea of the complexity of our role.

And why do we accept this demanding role? That’s the topic of our next posting. (And no, we haven't forgotten about our adopted whale. We'll soon get back to that important topic.)

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