Thursday, April 12, 2007

BC kayaking trips & our kayaks

See that photo? Besides wondering what our kayaking guide Georgia is looking at, you'll notice the kayaks nicely lined up. These are the kayaks we use on our BC sea kayaking trips .

We do have single kayaks for the experienced paddlers, but many people who join us on a trip are inexperienced and looking to enjoy a new activity -- most importantly they want to escape to the wonderful outdoors. You'll notice the double kayaks all in a row, and that tells me that we were introducing the world of kayaking to some people.

So, it's important to have stable and roomy kayaks (with enough room to pack tasty food). If you're looking for such a beast, take a look at the Seaward kayak we use on our sea kayaking trips. It's called the Southwind kayak. Seaward is a Vancouver Island company, and it's a great local company offering a range of kayaks and kayaking gear. You can check them out on their website.

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